Because most men take care of their appearance !!!
More and more men in our time enjoy the benefits of Aesthetic Plastics, as facial care has ceased to be exclusively a woman's affair. Men now look after their appearance and are interested in their image. Consequently, cosmetic treatments and facial treatments are becoming more popular among the male population, as they also want to have a more beautiful and youthful skin without wrinkles and signs of aging. Men, due to sports and prolonged exposure to the sun without precautions, are faced with, although nature has endowed them with a skin that is more durable with premature aging. A man usually chooses to exercise and nourish properly, keeping his body youthful, while neglecting the care of his face, because this is often considered a taboo, often resulting in an aging face. This can now be changed, with targeted treatments for relaxation and premature aging, specifically designed for the needs of men's skin.
At our clinic we apply anti-aging, hydrating and tightening therapies, especially for men. The therapeutic protocols and combination therapies we use have been studied to have effects on the male epidermis, which, as is well known, have differences from that of women, with few sessions, painless, bloodless and effective. In particular, the treatments we use in our clinic are aimed at stimulating and nourishing tissues, reducing greasyness, hydration, tightening and wrinkle removal, as well as laser treatments. From the very first application you will see immediate and visible results, without irritations and distortion risks, which improve over time. It's nice for a man to be groomed and care about his image!
Using the liposuction method, making a small incision of 3-4 millimeters, hidden in the axillary country.
With incisions hidden in the armpit which in some cases should extend to the posterior and inner surface of the arm.
Making a combination of liposuction and incisions in the axillary country in order to remove excess fat and at the same time relax.
Anesthesia: Intervention is mainly under general anesthesia, but in some cases it can be under local anesthesia and drunkenness. Post-operative Recovery: The mobilization is immediate, on the same day, a few hours after surgery, as there is no pain or biological exhaustion.