has been used in medicine for over 50 years, not only in the field of aesthetic medicine but also in the treatment of serious diseases such as tumors, benign and / or cancerous, fibroids etc. In the field of medical aesthetics it has been used when after clinical studies have found that ultrasounds can reach below the surface of the skin at depths that could not be otherwise approached, such as laser. Hifu technology does not affect the surface of the skin but also targets works in the deeper layers of the skin. It affects the structural tissues and muscles, providing targeted energy, through high frequency ultrasound. Based on the body's ability to autoimmune, we have the potential to reinforce elements such as collagen and elastin. Because it does not affect the surface of the skin, it does not cause any change, irritation or sensitivity to it, so no care is required after application and there is no visible trace of it. During the HIFU MEDICAL treatment, the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, as an expert in the area and operated during invasive facelift, can make the most of the capabilities of high medical technology and intervene with precision in three different levels under the skin, depending on the area and the particular tissue on which it wants to act. Below the skin of the face and neck there are different tissues. Depending on the needs of the individual we are given the opportunity to act on them, redefining the tumors and hanging the tissues used in the surgical face-lift. In this way, a multiple effect is achieved because the intervention is targeted to the tissues you really need. The excitation and shrinkage zones in which the Plastic Surgeon intervenes during the process are at 1.5 mm, 3 mm and 4.5 mm deep. The deep stimulation achieved has a multiple effect.
At a depth of 1.5 mm below the epidermis, it interferes with fibroblasts found in dermis and elastin, collagen and hyaluronate.
At a depth of 3 mm, in the inner layers of the skin, along with the stimulation and creation of elastin and collagen, we aim also at tightening of tissues and muscles, as in the area of the muscular tibia. At this level, the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon intervenes in the area of the throat and the double-digger, achieving tightening and recovery in these areas as well as in the oval face.
At a depth of 4.5 mm, in the SMAS, we intervene at a level of clamping and retraction, not only in the tissues but also in the muscles that are at this deeper point. Applying the treatment results in the recovery of the cheekbones, the nasopharyngeal groove and the contour of the face.
“Anatomy and Tightening of the Face of the Face”
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The deep stimulation induced in these levels has multiple benefits.
Increase blood circulation and cell metabolism. In this way, we achieve the stimulation of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are the only cell type found to be distinct in all kinds of connective tissue. They are the cells of the dermis that are responsible for the secretion of elastin, collagen and glycosaminoglycans. These elements constitute the framework of the supportive skin system.
The number of fibroblasts decreases over time while at the same time they become less productive. This results in the reduction of macromolecules in the intercellular substance. Our skin to stay fresh and youthful needs a large supply of fresh and healthy collagen. It is at this level that HIFU MEDICAL THERAPY works and intervenes.
Also due to traffic growth, lymphatic drainage is enhanced. In this way we eliminate potential swelling in the applied area which creates the image of swelling and weight on the face.
We note that the treatment and corrections made are based on our organization’s self-healing capability. Through the stimulation we cause to the facial tissues, our internal physician is activated, and this means that the whole procedure is absolutely safe, without any side effect, complication or distortion. HIFU technology is safe for all skin types and has been approved by the FDA. HIFU MEDICAL THERAPY treatment is totally painless and can be applied to both prevention and correction of tissue damage over time.
To whom it is addressed: In men and women from 30 to 40 years of age wanting to cope with the phenomenon of aging and collagen reduction in the early stages of relaxation of one or more of the facial area. It is an ideal prevention treatment because the elastin and collagen production you make effectively helps in delaying the aging process. In men and women from 40 to 60 years. As we all know in these ages, the body’s functions begin to decline. Among these are the functions associated with the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Particularly in women who have reached or have reached the end of their productive age, changes in female hormones associated with juvenile cell behavior make the aging of the skin even more pronounced. At these ages treatment can reverse the aging process by stimulating and activating fibroblasts In men and women over 60 years of age. At these ages skin relaxation is now visible, in others more, in others less. Targeted energy therapy, through high frequency ultrasound, can effectively help in tightening and rejuvenating the skin. Of course at these ages, in order to have spectacular results, more repetitions will have to be done at a time to be determined by the doctor and in combination with other anti-aging therapies he will propose. In which areas of the face: HIFU MEDICAL THERAPY can be applied either to the entire face or to some areas, depending on the patient’s needs.
More specifically:
Full Face – Full Face Lift
In Front and Eyes
In the area of cheeks and contour (oval face) nasopharyngeal groove
In the area of the throat, the bipolar, the neckline