Say goodbye to the local thickness, painlessly and unsteadily !!!
Local thickness, whether it appears in the middle or on the abdomen or thighs or arms, is as unattractive for both men and women. There are some points, such as those on the thighs and buttocks, which can distort the lines of the male body and give it female characteristics (our known "buns") that are more annoying to men than in women. Very common are cases when one can follow a balanced diet and exercise to a satisfactory degree, however he can not get rid of undesirable local thickness. In those cases where the problem is not so intense that a more invasive method is chosen or such choice is not desirable, the use of modern medical equipment and injectable therapies to break down local fat appears to be an ideal solution.
Taking advantage of the rapid technological advancement in the field of medicine, we create and apply customized medical protocols, combining the appropriate medical preparations with the use of the most advanced medical devices. The knowledge and experience of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Nektarios Duntoulakis guarantees maximum efficacy of therapies, where the final result often resembles that of surgery. Treatments to treat local thickness using medical devices are:
Cryolipolysis fat freeze Slimming Machine και Cavitation Method
Do you belong to those with a local thickness problem that does not subsist either with proper nutrition or with systematic exercise? Indeed, a large proportion of women face a problem of local fat accumulation at specific points of the body - liposuction - such as in the periphery, thighs, buttocks and belly, while men suffer with fat accumulation usually in the abdomen area, which adversely affects the harmony and beauty of the body. Local thickness can be effectively treated with protocols of special therapies that we apply to our clinic, which provide a solution to the problem not surgically and mainly painlessly. The surgical treatment of the problem involves marked cases of local thickness. The Cryolipolysis method and the CAVITATION method are two new methods that appear to be the most pioneering of the world, which either individually or in combination combats local lutein without a scalpel, directly, effectively, radically, safely and painlessly. In our clinic we have these special high-tech medical machines, which I imported from abroad. They are the most modern, latest generation medical devices that make cryolipolysis and CAVITATION, the most effective and modern methods of dealing with local thickness and not only. Treatment Procedure: Cryolipolysis with the Cryolipolysis Fat Freeze Slimming Machine, using different heads and programs, depending on the area and extent of the problem, freezes the adipocytes without causing damage to the surrounding tissues, resulting in gradual necrosis of the adipocytes and then their apoptosis from the body. At the beginning of the application the patient has the feeling of cooling and a gentle pull, which subsides after a few minutes. The gradual decrease of temperature leads to analgesia and thus the application is not unpleasant. The number of adipocytes in the area is decreasing, the fat layer shrinking, resulting in a significant improvement in body shape in the area. The CAVITATION method causes cavitation in adipocyte cell membranes and thus destroys adipocytes in the area of application without destroying the supernatant skin or other tissues. Both treatments aim at destroying cytolipid tissue (fat loss) rather than emptying the adipocytes (lipodilution). After application, dead adipocytes remain in the area and degrade gradually over the next two months after each application. Therapies should be combined with lean nutrition. The cryolipolysis and CAVITATION treatments can be combined with injectable or non-injected mesotherapies. Thus, special disposable medical products can be injected into the area of local thickness (injectable mesotherapies) or infiltrated with a special medical device (non-injectable inter-treatments), up to 4.400% more than a single spreading. This causes the active ingredients to penetrate into the chorus, the very important tissue under the skin, through which we reach the deeper layers when we do body therapies. In addition to the above treatments, the VIBRO machine, combined with local massage by a specialized aesthetic physiotherapist, activates lymphatic drainage throughout the body and especially in the application area. Upon completion of the above treatments, fat is eliminated safely through the body's natural metabolic processes over a period of about two months. Each session lasts from ten to thirty minutes depending on the extent of the application, and the number of sessions depends on the extent of the problem and varies per patient. Recovery time - Rehabilitation: Immediately after applying the above treatments, you can return to your daily activities. Results - Duration: The results are immediately visible and gradually improved over time. Applying for your problem a personalized protocol of treatments, we can achieve natural lip gloss without a scalpel.
RF Body Tightening Therapies
Significant weight loss, pregnancy, natural aging, excessive sun exposure, heredity are some factors that affect the appearance of the skin, resulting in relaxation at specific points. In order to limit or reverse the problem of relaxation, we can try tightening treatments before resorting to more drastic solutions, such as the surgical treatment of the problem, of course, in marked cases of relaxation. Body tightening with RF RF is the most advanced in non-invasive skin relaxation treatments, which helps to polish and smooth the relaxed skin anywhere in the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms, knees, etc. The treatment is aimed at women and men, it is painless and ideal for any type of skin and for any period of time. Treatment Application Process: With the most advanced RF RF equipment available in our clinic, stimulation / activation of fibroblasts - the cells that are responsible for the formation of collagen and elastin - is achieved to produce elastin and collagen again , which are the basic building blocks for skin tightening. This improves the quality of the skin, offering skin tightening, elasticity and toning. The use of RF RF can be combined with other therapies for better results: a) With the mesotherapy machine, which helps to penetrate the active tightening components to the target cells by 4.400% more than any application to the skin. b) Also, reprogramming of all cells in the relaxed area can be aided by autologous growth factor (PRP) therapy. With a small blood collection, the active ingredients in our blood that our body uses to cure any lesions or injuries triggered their activation are isolated and activated. In this case, properly activated autologous growth factor (PRP) corrects by organizing and reprogramming all the cells in the area and in combination with the other treatments will give the best result. c) Additionally, the above tightening and revitalizing therapies are combined with VIBRO therapy, which will help activate lymphatic drainage both in the relaxation area and throughout the body. This results in better penetration of the active ingredients, better perfusion and drainage in the limbic lymph, which aggravates relaxation in the area. Recovery time - Rehabilitation: Immediately after applying the above treatments, you can return to your everyday activities. Results - Duration: This is a non-invasive protocol adapted to your needs, compatible with each type of skin. The results are immediately visible and improved over time. They last for years, giving skin a smooth and firming, youthful look. Indeed, in some cases, depending on the age and quality of the tissues, it can even be compared with the surgical facelift!
Cellulite treatment treatments with a combination of medical devices, injectable therapies and medical massage
Cellulite and relaxation are two problems that usually appear together and we are called upon to deal with them together. The causes are many, among them the most common are heredity, hormonal dysfunctions, poor diet, smoking, stress, sudden weight fluctuations, lack of exercise etc. Therefore, treatment is complex and requires a combination of therapies in order to achieve the best result. Today, with technology alike, new pioneering methods make their appearance and promise to combat cellulite and relaxation painlessly and inconspicuously. Cellulite is a female genus, since it occupies most of the female population and very rarely men. Although it is not directly linked to obesity, its image may worsen in obese individuals. Cellulite is created by floating adipocytes in the middle layer of the skin. The connective tissue loses its elasticity and the appearance of the skin resembles orange peel. It can occur in various parts of the body such as thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, knees. At first, it is necessary to start a program of systematic exercise and proper nutrition. Losing weight will benefit the overall condition of the body and the metabolism and therefore will also benefit the problem of cellulite. At the same time, a hormonal check should be performed and, if there are any hormonal problems, need to be monitored by an endocrinologist. But if the problem of cellulite and relaxation persists, then high-tech machines and sophisticated treatments can reduce or even eliminate the problem, depending of course on its extent. In order to effectively address the problem of cellulite and relaxation, as it is complex, we must combat all the factors that are responsible for it. Depending on the combination of the above factors leading to the problem, we create a treatment protocol, specially designed for each individual, including a combination of therapies and the use of machinery. At our clinic we have a new generation of machines destroying the surface adipocytes under the skin. In fact, we are one of the first to introduce this technology from abroad, we have acquired the best know-how and experience to use it safely and effectively. Ultrasound CAVITATION ultrasound and RF RF devices, with combination therapies, promise to fight cellulite and relaxation. This is the most modern medical device that with the special head is capable of transmitting at the same time high energy radio frequency RF and low frequency CAVITATION ultrasound. Therapy Procedure: With the action of the device, we have a strong thermal effect in the deeper tissues, under the skin, and in the adipose tissue. Simultaneously with low energy CAVITATION ultrasound, the phenomenon of cavitation is created within the surface adipocytes, ie small air cells within the adipocytes, resulting in their permanent destruction. Therefore, the innovative combination effect of CAVITATION and RF leads to the smoothing of cellulite and skin tightening. The use of CAVITATION and RF when the cellulite and relaxation problem is extensive can be combined with other therapies for better results: a) With intensive tightening treatments with the special body head and the CAVITATION body, further contributing to abrasion and tightening the skin. b) If the problem persists, injectable interventions with high-tech medical products or even mediotherapy treatments are added, through which specific medical products, which I personally choose, penetrate the target cells by 4.400% more than any other non-injectable method the active ingredients penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. c) Additionally, after the above treatments are treated with the VIBRO medical device, which helps the lymph drainage and decongestion of the affected area and of the whole body. In all of the above we can add medical lymphatic massage by a special aesthetic physiotherapist working in our area. The number of sessions depends on the extent of the problem and varies per patient. The treatment is completely painless and absolutely safe. Recovery time - Rehabilitation: Immediately after applying the above treatments, you can return to your daily activities. Results - Duration: Results are immediately visible and improved over time. You realize that cellulite and relaxation can now be dealt with by the valuable help of technology.
Treatments for stretch marks
Stretch marks, characteristic long linear scars, are skin lesions of collagen that occur at the level of the dermis. They appear in areas of the body where the skin was stretched a lot due to weight loss, pregnancy, sudden increase in height in puberty or for other unknown reasons. There are two types of stretch marks, the reds and the white ones. The red stretch marks are relatively recent, while the white ones are older. The stretch marks generally appear in the abdomen, buttocks, breasts and limbs. Can we regain smooth and youthful skin without stretch marks on our body? The science of beauty promises spectacular results! The new generation laser and the intermedia treatments with specialized medical devices and medical products erase the stretch marks. Treatment Procedure: Taking advantage of the capabilities of high-tech laser machines, we can, with some applications, completely stop the agitation, inflammation and the development of stretch marks, even at younger ages, when they are at their beginnings, painlessly and safely. Laser applications, since the ragtag is in progress, that is, it is red, it has itching and it hurts, it should be done day by day. But for the old stretch marks there is a solution. Along with laser applications, if needed, in order to stop the development of stretch marks, we can combine the method of mesotherapy without injections. By using a special medical device we give "food" to the stretch cells, so that the stretch region reaches resilience, volume and natural texture. Mesotherapy applications should be done weekly, are painless, do not cause skin irritation, and sun exposure is not forbidden. These applications are carried out using a special medical device which achieves greater penetration of the active ingredients of the products. The penetration of these products into the dermis is increased by 4.400% more than a single spread. The dermis is the very important tissue, under the skin, nourishes it and preserves it, through which we reach the deeper layers when we do body therapies. Recovery time - Recovery: The recovery time is immediate. You can return immediately after treatment to your usual activities. Results - Duration: From the very first session we can see tangible results, at least for the thin and superficial stretch marks. Of course, the end result can be seen when all the required laser sessions are completed and the treatment cycle is completed.
Additionally, using the above methods, Vibro 1000 medical programs are used to achieve the activation of the lymph and the retention of the lymph.