"Having a relaxed look you have a relaxed face!”
The eyes are the area of the face where the first signs of aging appear. The "fallen" and loose eyelids, black circles and bags under the eyes make the person look tired sad and heavy, giving the man a shabby and aging face. In the surgical procedure, the excess skin and fat is removed from the upper and lower eyelids or in just one of these two areas depending on the nature of the problem. In any case, the shape of the eye or the look is not only altered but instead renewed and rejuvenated, making the whole person look younger. The important thing in this procedure is that it is an intervention with immediate, definitive and real painless effects. Perform with local anesthesia and / or mood or general anesthesia if the patient wishes. Rehabilitation is immediate, sutures are removed in 3 days, and ten days later, or earlier depending on the patient's skin, there is no evidence that surgery has taken place because the incisions are "secret" and hidden in the natural folds of the eyes.