Refreshed and relaxed face !!!
Generally speaking, the first wrinkles in the man give charm, just like the first gray hair on the temples, but the truth is that nobody likes a face age-old full of wrinkles. Today, a guy's visit to a plastic surgeon's surgery to cope with the phenomenon of aging has, fortunately, been stopped for many years as a taboo or purely female affair. Injectable therapies such as botox, hyaluronic acid, and recovery yarns are an effective and immediate method in a few minutes to treat wrinkles and facial loosening. The medical products used may be the same as those used for similar therapies for the female population, but the techniques followed vary as the final desired result differs.
In men, we do not want the absolute wrinkle removal, which will make the face look flawless. On the contrary, depending on the age and the characteristics of the man, the existence of some wrinkles is desirable, while the element in which we place particular emphasis is that of maintaining masculinity and emphasis. Thus, materials such as hyaluronic acid are used not only for the treatment of deep wrinkles but also for the implantation of facial features such as the jaw and the cheeks. By the liposuction method, making a small incision of 3-4 millimeters hidden in the axillary country.
With incisions hidden in the armpit which in some cases should extend to the posterior and inner surface of the arm.
Making a combination of liposuction and incisions in the axillary country in order to remove excess fat and at the same time relax.
Anesthesia: Intervention is mainly under general anesthesia, but in some cases it can be under local anesthesia and drunkenness. Post-operative Recovery: The mobilization is immediate, on the same day, a few hours after surgery, as there is no pain or biological exhaustion.