Interventional Face & Body Therapies
The treatments presented below are performed in both men and women, but the different ones are the goals for the expected outcome. In the case of men, on the one hand, the structure of the male person is different and thus the surgical techniques are somewhat differentiated, and on the other we aim to maintain the masculinity and natural charm of the male face.
At the same time, the body image, whether we admit it or not, is an important aspect of the image we have for ourselves. In today’s societies the concept of man’s masculinity, power and social acceptance is closely linked to his external image and, above all, to his body and his relationship with him. For decades plastic surgery for the improvement of the male body has stopped being a taboo for both men and women. Remedies to rehabilitate after obesity or simply to waste time.
Non-invasive Face and Body Therapies
The intense rhythms, the physical and psychological fatigue, the multiple demands of the everyday life of the modern man, are also reflected in his face, his characteristics are aggravated and he makes him look older, burdening both his image and his mood. The therapeutic protocols that are presented aim, respecting the specific features of the human face, but also its limited time, anti-aging, hydration and other individual problems.
Developments in technology and medicine have the effect of dealing with medical devices and products of problems that in the past either could not be definitively addressed or intervention was needed, especially in the body. Today, local thickness and bodily malformations can in many cases be definitively dealt with without the need for surgery, while other minor problems such as intense hair growth or body acne, which have plagued a large proportion of the male population, find a direct solution thanks to personalized medical treatments protocols of our practice.