“Our ears surround our facial contour!”
The beautiful and harmonious ears of the man become more important than the woman, because the hair or some accessories can not be used easily to cover them. When the ears are symmetrical and well-formed, they do not attract attention, but instead frame the face. At the same time, if they protrude disproportionately from the face, or exhibit other aesthetic problems, they draw their gaze creating the image of a disharmonious person. The presence of ears, ears or ears, is not associated with any functional hearing problem or other pathological issue. This is a purely aesthetic problem, but it can contribute to the development of important psychopathological issues. Ears are mainly affected by hereditary factors. So if one of the two parents or both have a history of infantile ears, it is very likely that their child is born with this characteristic. As the main feature of the ears, it is the lack of the insertion in the flap. When the helix angle and the angular angle are not properly formed, the flap is flattened and flattened to give the image of the eardrum.
Another very common cause is the presence of a hypertrophic concha. This means that we have a large and deep niche, a cavity that pushes outwardly and forward the helix and antler. This has the effect of throwing the ear. It is still possible to have a combination of hypertrophic niches with inadequate helix and insertion angle. This is a third cause of emaciation. Finally, we should mention all those related cases where malformations or deformations of the cartilage, mainly of the helix and of the antichrist, occur and are not related to the angle, but to the smoothness and sharpness of the contour and the position of the ear. The surgical method is the only appropriate way for a definitive treatment of the ears. This is a simple procedure, short in duration that does not require hospital stay. Adults can be performed with local anesthesia, and can be done, if the clinical condition of the patient so permits, in the clinic, provided there is organized medical space for such operations. The surgery is performed on the natural fold that forms a retina between the ear flap and the skull. With the help of lasers and fine surgical techniques, in the hands of the plastic surgeon, it is very easy to form and adapt according to the case of the correct position and shape of the blade relative to the rest of the face. There are no scars in the otoplasty, but even if they are created by the patient's body, they are well hidden in the crease behind the ear flap, and due to the good quality skin of the area they usually disappear soon. Sutures, if not absorbable, are removed after seven to ten days. Supportive use of homeopathic drugs and healing healing laser. Throughout recovery, it is essential to use a stretch wrap, initially around the clock, until healing is complete, and then only during the night for about a month. Since the surgery is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon there are no post-operative complications. Of course, for the faster and smoother recovery, the patient's cooperation is also necessary. It is necessary to follow all the instructions given to him by his doctor.